
Moving Mountains

blog post Moving Mountains

This summer, I was entranced by Mt. Rainier while sailing on Lake Washington. After doing some research, it appeared that very few adaptive athletes have reached its summit. I am announcing my intent to attempt that climb during summer of 2019.

I am aware that this would be no small feat. Already, the odds are stacked against me in the form of physical limitations and medical concerns. However, I have no doubt that with careful planning and support from my sponsors, I can successfully complete what is regarded as a significant accomplishment for even an abled-bodied hiker.

In the same breath, I do not intend to trivialize this climb by commercializing it. Nor do I intend to degenerate this experience into a competitive endeavor. In the same vein as thousands before me, I view it as a sacred and precious achievement. I view it as an incredible privilege to use this as an opportunity for personal and spiritual growth. My wish is only to inspire disabled and abled-bodied alike to not set limitations on what they can achieve.

Over the next six months, I will be tirelessly securing support, training my body, and preparing my mind to endure the rigor of what I am confident will be a physically grueling and emotionally trying experience.

Please share this message. If you can personally help, I encourage you to reach out. Let’s make this happen together. Wheel with me.