Jesi's Recommendations
Reading List
How to Win Friends & Influence People Dale Carnegie
Top 3
Never Split the Difference Chris Voss
Winning Tim Grover
Wins, Losses, and Lessons Lou Holtz
- 75 Hard Andy Frisella
- Slight Edge Jeff Olsen
- I Hear You Michael S. Sorensen
- The Four Agreements Don Miguel Ruiz
- The Automatic Millionaire David Bach
- The Slight Edge Jeff Olsen
- The Tipping Point Malcomn Gladwell
- The Purple Cow Seth Godin
- Think Like a Warrior Darren Donnely
- Don’t Let Your Struggle Become Your Standard Jose Flores
- Atomic Habits James Clear
- Leadership Strategy and Tactics Jocko Willink
- The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks Rebecca Skloot
- Start With Why Simon Sinek
- The Impact of Influence (vol. 1) Chip Baker
- So Worth Loving Eryn Eddy
- A Warriors Faith Rober Vera
- With Winning in MindLanny Bassham
- The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fck Mark Manson
- The Secret Rhonda Byrne
- My Fight/Your Fight Rhonda Rousey
- Wide Open: A Life in Supercross Jeremy McGrath
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The Wheel With Me Foundation is focused on a growing community of men and women who are wheelchair users. Our mission is to bridge the gap between inpatient rehabilitation and independent living through activism with the ultimate goal of constructing a transitional home to bridge the gap between inpatient rehabilitation and the real world. The residents of the Wheel With Me Campus will be accompanied by a caring staff member ready to coach them through their journey. Each resident will learn wheelchair skills, how to address and overcome daily obstacles, and care for themselves while fostering their own personal development. Upon graduation, the resident will be confident reintegrating into their home, community, and workplace.