
Impact of Influence Vol. 3

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I had the opportunity to be a contributing author in the Book the Impact of Influence vol. 3 (ladies edition). This book is filled with stories of how powerful women were impacted by life's circumstances and individuals to become who they are today. "We all have been impacted by amazing influences in our lives. We create an everlasting ripple effect by learning lessons from those that have impacted us. When we apply those lessons, we are able to make our world a better place." -Chip Baker Pre-
item Impact of Influence Vol. 3 Impact of Influence Vol. 3

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I had the opportunity to be a contributing author in the Book the Impact of Influence vol. 3 (ladies edition). This book is filled with stories of how powerful women were impacted by life's circumstances and individuals to become who they are today.

"We all have been impacted by amazing influences in our lives. We create an everlasting ripple effect by learning lessons from those that have impacted us. When we apply those lessons, we are able to make our world a better place." -Chip Baker

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