

Asheville Spartan

blog post Asheville Spartan

This race was unlike any other. More Heart Than Scars was going to attempt the Asheville Spartan Super with an all woman team. Being a strong advocate for woman rising past the “limitations” society has set for us, I couldn’t be more excited.

The woman would lead with the men behind in the event we got in a pinch. I’ll tell you what, I’m pretty thankful for that. Not because the woman were incapable, the Asheville, North Carolina mountain terrain was brutal to say the least.

The Bellyak came in good use
The Bellyak came in good use

Within the first couple of miles I had to completely lose my shit to get some organization. Because we were such a large group, the communication didn’t exists. After my brief meltdown and a bit of regrouping we were back on track. About halfway through Zack and Laura had to leave for previous plans with special Spartans, so Laura took over as lead horse and we would continue on. For roughly 3/4ths of the race we used all woman, but the continues lifting and pulling wore on the team. Towards the end we would cross paths with a group of Sheep Dog’s. They helped us through the last few obstacles, while the ladies threw out trash talk of course. Patrick put be back in the chair after the last obstacle.

Thanking Patrick for his help throughout the course
Thanking Patrick for his help throughout the course

We finished the race after about 10 and half hours. It was brutal to say the least. I realized I wasn’t in as great of shape as I thought and I have a lot of work to do. I hope to make it to Chicago for the Toughest Mudder on August 26, which is 8 hours throughout the night. Fingers crossed I can find the funds and pull a team together. I cannot thank More Heart Than Scars enough for making OCR races possible. Be sure to give them a like ok Facebook!

Until the next adventure….

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