In 2016 I was on a mission to try as many adaptive sports as possible. My goal was to show others the numerous activities available to them. Toward the end of 2016 I found wheelchair curling. Wheelchair Curling is quite unique in it doesn’t have the sweepers traditional curling has. The sport is about technique and patience. The wheelchair curler sets up their stone, taps it in to position, aims, and throws it at the perfect weight to land where the skip, (the person calling the shots), asked it to land. I was consumed by the finesse! I have competed in 2 US pre-trial selection processes and 2 Team USA selection trials. I’ve participated in numerous camps across the country, having the opportunity to curl in different clubs. I’ve created life long friendships.

Wheelchair curling has taught me a few lessons. The importance of unity and flow it takes to make a successful team. Mental management that I apply to every aspect of my life. Wheelchair curling gave me the skill of detailed documentation, which I use for my education and fitness routine. It taught me patience, to anticipate the unexpected, and how to let go. But most importantly wheelchair curling taught me the game isn’t over until it’s over.

I recently have been experiencing shoulder pain; seeking medical attention for the pain. After 3 weeks off of the ice due to the shoulder pain, I have had time to think. I wasn’t applying myself to the national program as much as it takes to be a world caliber athlete. In the 3 years I have been with the program my priorities have shifted from athletics to my education and non-profit. I will still curl for fun but at this time it is not fair to my teammates nor myself to continue to participate in the national program. I am taking time off to allow my achy shoulder to heal and to focus on my main priorities.
This was not an easy decision to make. Being a world caliber athlete is an experience that words cannot describe. To represent the USA in an International competition is the stuff dreams are made of. This is not goodbye forever but until later.

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