Table of Contents
What an incredible year I’ve had! I want to recap my most memorable moments from 2018! I hope you enjoy reading as much as I did looking back.

|Partnering with IAB MFG (I Am Becoming)
IAB is more than a fitness clothing brand. The founder Tom supports personal growth and want you to look good while doing it. They share stories of strong women in the fitness community while marketing a quality attractive clothing line!
Check out this mini documentary they did about me -- ADAPT
|Worlds Toughest Mudder
After getting hypothermic in the night and losing half my team I was able to rise to the challenge of 24 hours Worlds Toughest Mudder. Pushing my body past its limits and overcoming mental challenges I wasn’t able to last year was a rewarding recognition of my growth.

|Experiences with old friends/gaining new friends
Early in the year I gained a few new friends after reaching out to them on social media, growing closer. I've also traveled spending time with many close friends all over the US. The experiences were irreplaceable!
|Making Developmental Team USA In Wheelchair Curling
I went through an entire trials process this year to ultimately be selected for the developmental program within Team USA in wheelchair curling. Words cannot describe how proud I felt to receive a jacket with the American flag and my last name on it. I’m excited to continue to grown my curling skills, continuing my path to Team USA.

|Breaking my hardware/Back Surgery
This was a humbling experience. I was in the best shape of my life during my summer in Ohio when my back started making a clicking noise. After a visit to the urgent care we found I had broke a rod on my back. I scheduled an emergency visit with my Neurosurgeon in Charlotte. After a CT Scan we found not only was a rod broke but two screws in the lower part of my hardware. The plan was simple back surgery. Two small incisions. One to fix the rod, one to remove the screws. What I wasn’t prepared for was the humbling experience recovery would be the months after. I didn’t realize how taxing surgery was on your body.

|Sailing In Washington
I had a gentleman by the name of Bob reach out to me on Facebook letting me know he had an organization on Lake Washington in Seattle called Footloose Sailing. With a motto of leaving disability at the dock, you quickly forget you use a wheelchair outside of that boat. Knowledgeable, friendly, and eager to share his passion of sailing Bob is always game to get out on the water.

Thanks to Bob I found my big adventure of NORDIC SKIING MOUNT RAINER with another adaptive athlete and a small team!

|Breaking out of my Comfort Zone
This year I finally broke out of my comfort zone. Between reaching out to strangers while conversation or being completely transparent about my struggles, I finally stopped caring what people thought of me. This year, I grew more than I could have ever imagined. Growth is critical in life. Everything around us is evolving, so we must evolve with life. Excited to see the work I put in 2018 begin to flourish in 2019.

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